From Elizabeth Lloyd, "Story of a Community"

Another young woman, Winifred Vaizey, also sent to Charlton, first on a visit in the Summer Term of 1919; then returned in September to teach a group of five to seven year olds. She also "took" walks and recalls some hoppers from the East End of London and in Kent for the annual hop-picking, running out cf their huts and pressing pennies into the Caldecott children's hands. One hopper brought a baby to Charlton one day, "It seemed very poorly and sick but all it needed was a good bath."

She gives an account of an "Assembly" which took place every Saturday morning.

"Staff and children assembled in either the dining-room or the large playroom for a sort cf "parliament". Any child could voice a complaint. This parliament seemed a very good way of securing co-operation and developing a responsible outlook in the Community and it was a "Community" very obviously then but small enough to be like a big family.

Every adult had a small child who shared their room. I had "Zeppa" a dark curly-haired four year old Italian, a most attractive child".