"If any young Caldecott people read this stuff and decide to do something out of the ordinary, the secret to achieving a goal is to work hard at their objectives and always take the initiative."
"It may be of interest to you to know that I came to the United States with the National Theatre of Great Britain in July 1974 with its all male cast of William Shakespeare's "As You Like it." We toured the country with 26 venues and ended up on Broadway, New York to finish the tour. All the actors and musicians returned to London and I headed out to California where I've lived ever since." (8 June 2020)
James King mentioned to me at the 1992 reunion that he was thinking of assembling a collection of written pieces from ex-Caldecott children on what they had thought of life when at Caldecott and I agreed to write something. Possibly I might have written a bit differently in 2022.