The Caldecott Community: A pioneering 20th Century Children's Community
The Caldecott Community was founded in 1911 by Leila Rendel and Phyllis Potter. Originally a day nursery in St. Pancras, London, providing care for low income families, it was among the most adaptable and geographically mobile of the 20th Century's pioneering children's communities, at one time even being an 'approved school', and making four significant geographical moves before the final move to Mersham-le-Hatch, Kent, following the end of World War II. As well as providing residential care for vulnerable children - with changing definitions over time - it explored a variety of provision including an experimental reception centre and a group home, as well as providing primary education until the age of eleven. Today it has evolved into the Caldecott Foundation. Its co-founder, Miss Leila, was a creative, innovative, socially well-connected person who believed that creating the right environment could help children, and showed how for more than 50 years. She led the Community until her death in 1969.